Friday, October 1, 2010

My Apartment

Hey Everyone,

I was having some issues with my old account so I decided to change the address and most my posts over. So this will be my new blog account and should stay as such. Sorry for any confusion!

I know it has been a couple weeks since my last entry. I will try to be a little more frequent in my postings from now on.

Things have been going well here in Korea. I've been meeting some cool people, exploring Busan, and having a good time at work. I spent the last week up in Seoul for training as a part of EPIK (English Program in Korea), the national public school foreign teacher program. It was really good but it is nice to be back in Busan.

A couple weeks ago I hurt my finger playing volleyball, apparently tearing some ligaments. The doctor I saw said it would be at least 3-6 weeks of my finger being in a splint but at least now I can say that Korea has a pretty good health care system. In and out in 1.5 hours on a really busy day after a 3 day national holiday. He also called the injury 'massive collateral damage to the ligaments' which just sounds awesome!

For this post I thought I would share a bit about my apartment and where I'm living. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am in an area called Haeundae (,_Busan), more specifically, Haeundae New Town, which is quite close to the beach. There are tonnes of restaurants, shops, bars, as well as foreigners in this area. I am really close to the subway and in a relatively new apartment building.

My apartment is essentially a bachelor studio. It is small but has everything in it that I need. Below are some pictures:

The Bedroom

The Bedroom/Lounge

The Lounge

The Bathroom (with a shower door, which is relatively rare here I'm told)

The Bathroom (2)


Kitchen/Entry Way

Kitchen/Entry Way (2)

The View

The View (2)

I hope that gives you a better clue about where I'm living. As I said, it's not big but it has everything I need.

I'll be posting more soon about what I've been up to since I've been here!




  1. John,

    Your place looks awesome! I'm glad you could post pictures of where you are staying.
    Keep having fun! It was nice to briefly talk to you last night :)


  2. Hello son, sorry we missed your calls, we went away for a few days. Your place looks nice, hope your finger gets better. All ok getting cooler on 14 c today....leaves changing. Looking nice

    Chat soon

  3. "As I said, it's not big but it has everything I need."

    That's what she said.

  4. 1. Cam--I love you!
    2. John--I hate you and your life of Haeundae luxury. My view is of a telephone pole with 50,000 internet and phone wires connected in a gigantic wad. I'm visiting you more often. P.S.-enjoy the shower. Mine is IN the toilet. Welcome to my life.
