Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Around Town!

Yet again, I've been neglectful of my blog and have not posted anything in a couple weeks. For this post, I'd thought that I would share with you a little about my wanderings around town.

Busan is a fantastic city and there is quite a bit to do. Just wandering around and exploring where I live and other parts of the city has been great. The city is so vibrant, with the ocean smells (among others), the busy traffic, and the hustle and bustle of everyone and everything. There are markets big and small, selling everything from giant king crab and live eels to socks and power tools.

Wandering around passed many a night when I first arrived and is still a great way to spend time. Below are a few pictures of random wanderings I've taken.

Haeundae Beach at night

Jagalchi Fish Market

Busan Tower
 Busan Tower is one of the few places you could consider a tourist trap in the city. It's a 120m tower that is perched on a 70m hilltop down by the city's commercial port. On a nice day, it offers stunning views of the city.

The View

The View

The View

The View

The View


Over seventy percent of Korea is mountainous and Busan is definitely no exception! Criss-crossing the city are a number of mountains which makes for difficult travel but great hiking. Korean's are serious about their hiking, flocking to the hills in full gear being a mainstay for many people. Hiking here however is much different. About halfway up or at the top of some hills are comical looking workout machines generally filled with older people getting a good workout on their way up or down. At the top you can eat pajeon (potato seafood pancake) and drink maekgolli (a grainy rice wine) before stumbling down the mountain. This definitely makes hiking a much more interesting event!


Jangseung, Korean traditional totem poles

On Yeongdo, an island off of the southern coast of Busan is a park called Taejongdae. All within a few kilometres are several Buddhist temples, shear cliffs that drop hundreds of feet into the sea, a lighthouse on a cliff, and a hilarious tram to take you to all the sites.

Yeongdo Lighthouse
Buddhist Statues

Yeongdo Lighthouse
Cliffs of Taejongdae
Cliffs of Taejongdae
Yeoungdo Lighthouse
Cliffs of Taejongdae

 So that should give you a bit more of an idea of what I've been up to in Korea. October has been a busy month and I've managed to hit a different festival each weekend. After this weekend and the last festival, I'll post again letting you know all about them!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god John, Busan is freakin beautiful. I'm sooooo jealous! Perhaps I should actually stop by for a visit sometime!

    -I'm Old Gregg
